
You Voted for a Village Man again ...Congrats lol

 The 2nd DownFall of the Self Proclaimed Greatest People Isn't it KARMA that within just 5 years the people who have caused so many problems and escaped under the radar are now once again in shit. This is pure KARMA and I am loving it. After what these people did to me.....this is me sitting back with popcorn and enjoying this. I hope those "good School" graduates are having a blast...this is what free education to your third world country looks like gentlemen.... I remember one time those "rich" Colombo 7 crowd used to get Michelin star chefs to their venues and have them make rice and curry lololololol hahahahaha The arrogance and fucked up culture takes a lot of shit dont it.....So is it worse to be Sri Lankan?  YEP  Adios bitches

McDonalds Closes in Shit SL

  MC DONALDS CLOSES IN SRI LANKA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH What a disappointing and shitty little country. All that ego and arrogance and now the largest fast food chain in the world has decided that Sri Lanka is so shitty they rather close down and head out hahahahahaha All those range rovers and no mc Donalds what s sad sad sad racists backward country. Karma is a beautiful thing.

Tuk Tuk Nation

 The Third World TUK TUK Nation I love how these tuk tuk nation people love to think they are sooooo powerful, its like they have nothing to live and yet have the fucking tiny Asian balls to be arrogant...... Look at all these tuk tuk people....hahaha....i used to live in this tuk tuk place hahahahahah man i was amazed, I earned (and still earn) more than what they make in their life time but they live for the moment, have to admire their lives actually.....hahahahahahhahaha.. poor nation of Sri Lanka and the fucking tuk tuk brothers and sisters....their eventual death will reap the rewards of the eventual spawn of more poor third world sri lankans ... hahahahahaha...

White People - You don't know how good you have it

 I love how white say "oh my god I could live in Sri Lanka forever" "Oh I could eat egg hoppers forever" Yeah well, try finding eggs in the supermarket hahahaha, you go weeks without any hahahaha. What a fucked up country, there are more Range Rovers and Mercedes in Colombo, but they don't have essentials and have to line up for a Visa lol.... White people complain about drivers who cut them off on the road once in 4 years and say driving in their cities is crazy, they complain about homeless people on the road, when you walk in Sri Lanka they are every where, and in tuk tug's no less, they complain about the service being poor in a restaurant, be coloured and go to the beaches in that shit hole country, see if you can get a drink..... You complain about nothing, live in a third world war torn country like Sri Lanka and let me know why all expats that left the country won't even let their kids go back to it..... heh.... FULL of shit !

See Your True Colours

 True Colours  You with the sad eyes Don't be discouraged Oh I realize It's hard to take courage In a world full of people You can lose sight of it all And the darkness, inside you Can make you feel so small Need I say more ..... For everything you did to me you bastards of Sri shit....Karma


LOL - BURN BURN BURN TO THE GROUND we get to see the best action movie of all time ….I lost Rs.10.5 million to fraudsters and manipulators in the country, was not allowed into bars or cafes in the “beautiful” beaches because of the colour of my skin, ridiculed cause I couldn’t speak a third world language and made my life was miserable for the choice I made to help it for 10 years, now I earn more than any CEO in the country! and I get to watch it implode while doing so....... this is just the universe and its way of saying Karma.... ☺️😊 Beautiful thing to watch.... ...kick back take some popcorn and will get worse. Burn burn BURN TO THE GROUND! Have a good one....seeya

Domino Dancing - LoL

Watch them all fall down                                         All day, all day                                                                  Domino dancing Before 2010-2015 Now Before - Hikka Fest 2010-2017 Now