Central Beach Inn - Sri Lanka

Central Beach INN - Mirissa Oh what an amazing experience. Never thought when I left Canada that I would experience such blatant racism. I mean blatant as in, in your face, in front of everyone, throw the kitchen sink at it racism. For those who have the unfortunately time to go to this lovely little bar/eating area on the Mirissa Beach in Southern Sri Lanka, let me paint a picture. Me a brown Canadian (you already know my history) went to this particular beach strip with - mind you some quite good looking women - and some decent local guys as well. My first experience. The beach is full of beautiful people, as is the Southern strip of the country. A lot of bikini clad millennials, moving swiftly through the sand with sun glistening on their toned tanned bodies. More women than men on this beach, clearly. It must be a "safe" spot. Me, dressed in my Toronto Raptors jersey hanging out having some beers, minding my own business, when I found this on the floor (read the WHOLE thi...