White People - You don't know how good you have it
I love how white say "oh my god I could live in Sri Lanka forever" "Oh I could eat egg hoppers forever" Yeah well, try finding eggs in the supermarket hahahaha, you go weeks without any hahahaha. What a fucked up country, there are more Range Rovers and Mercedes in Colombo, but they don't have essentials and have to line up for a Visa lol.... White people complain about drivers who cut them off on the road once in 4 years and say driving in their cities is crazy, they complain about homeless people on the road, when you walk in Sri Lanka they are every where, and in tuk tug's no less, they complain about the service being poor in a restaurant, be coloured and go to the beaches in that shit hole country, see if you can get a drink..... You complain about nothing, live in a third world war torn country like Sri Lanka and let me know why all expats that left the country won't even let their kids go back to it..... heh.... FULL of shit !